The messages on this site are taken from the four volumes of messages published by the Foundation Church of the New Birth, Inc. in the 1940s-60s. These transcriptions were laboriously obtained by Dr. Leslie R. Stone from the original autographs.

No editing has been done. No grammar errors have been corrected. Changes have been made only where necessary to correct typographical and printing errors, or to update punctuation to make the sentences read better, since punctuation was a later, subjective addition and not part of the original autographs. If anything has been inserted for clarification, it will appear in brackets, []. The titles of the messages, which were never a part of the original autographs, have been shortened as much as possible for simplicity and clarity. Dates were added, if available, for informative purposes. Citations of where each message comes from in the original FCNB first edition volumes are in parenthesis, ().

If you would like to compare the typed messages with the original autographs as they were received by Esq. Padgett, you will be given that opportunity through this website. Just go to Original Autographs. This website will be regularly updated with a new preserved and scanned original autograph along with the typed transcription.

© 2014-2018 The Original Foundation Church of the New Birth, Inc.